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Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Time: Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Title: End of Part 1 Prelim 1.


Canon Rock - Funtwo ( Yeah WTH?)



Temperature taking exercise today.
Didnt bring thermometer. DAMN I FORGOT TO BRING MY PENCILCASE.
Thermometer in pencil case.
Hide in toilet worked~ Then see Daniel Lim come run to class.
Hide i class till 8:15.
Didnt get caught. This shows how complacent teachers are.

SS Exams.
I aint lucky. No point talking about this.. Stupid bubiyan and warbah didn come out..

End of school went for oral.
I passed with good results.
All marked good~ No weak or error. Happy ah.
It'll pull my grade up for english..

Go down and put zul's bag at the canteen fan.
The fan was moving so it was kinda cool to see a bag swinging around like that. COOL LA!

Waited for like 10 mins for zul to come down.
Then he see the bag! Woo!
He go climb on chair to take it. HAHA
Shorty. :D

Man today was damn boring..

Only thing fun i did was to put strings that people use to tie their foolscaps on peoples hair.
Childish i know. But a little fun wont hurt right?

Okay headed home.
Then i dont know what i did till 10pm.. Makes me wonder..

Thats the end. Boring right?

PS. HAIR IS GROWING. SERIOUSLY MAN! IT IS! I MEAN ITS LIKE 0.1cm longer! Cant you tell?!

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Time: Sunday, April 26, 2009
Title: Prelims I. Tomorrow.


Dead and gone - Travis Garland



Today morning went to mosque at around 10am.
Ustaz not late, i was late =/..
Ended around 12.

I thought we were collecting the class t-shirts today.
So i followed hidayati to queensway.
Asked sen to come along ah..
Ended up she hasnt even ordered.

Cant be bothered, i went next shop buy one element bag..
Yati and sen talk so long. I come in listen awhile to the blur girl talk..
Hear her talk already like wtf.. So i step in say.
"Okay, we confirm with our teacher then get back to you okay?"

I MEAN FROM $18 to $29?! WTF?

2nd Shop.
Much better service. Gave us thing to look out for, suggestions. Nor blur-ness, he knows his stuff..
So yeah 18 bucks. As promised..

Hell im just happy i got a new bag..

Okay, headed to bras basah to go take a look at Swee lee or Swee lin.Whatever =/..

Follow yati also like wth............
We walk 1 round of bras basah and almost towards esplanade..
Then walk all the way back from where we started.
Walk walk. Then yati say. Aku confirm to building dier.
Then just as we wanted to walk further. I said.
"This is the place.."

Lucky didnt follow her or we'd be lost agin..
She still ask me and sen to thank her.. =/.....................

Inside the guitar shop, i go take a few guitars and play.
Expensive sia..
Then after 5 mins, 5 MINS.. Yati wanted to go to eat already.

Play awhile more then go of.. Wasted sia find place then so fast go.. Haiz..
Eat double Quarter pounder, i was damn full.. Seriously..

Then yati wanted to meet up wth her friends at plaza singapura and told us go off first.
She want to go there to surprise one of her friend then go home after 15 mins.. -.-""""""..

Okay went to city hall and went off home..

Tomorrow Prelims 1 English Paper.
I'll do my best. I hope.
I dont need luck. I need the skill.
Will talk about Prelims 1 soon.
Now ima go memorise formats..

PS: Hair is growing.


Thursday, April 23, 2009
Time: Thursday, April 23, 2009
Title: Misconceptions


Lacuna coil - Heaven's a lie (Acoustic)



Okay, didnt update cause i cant access my blog for some reason.

Yesterday go sakura!

Ate till i walked hunchback.. Man i felt heavy..
I dont plan to go to the gym this week nor the next till the mid years are over.
Then 3 times a week again. :D

Okay back to thursday.
Left school around 4pm.
Take bus home. Naik bas budak ITE pukimak nak step maot..
Stare2 budak2 dalam bas. Fuckers..
Badan macam kayu nak step maot. Tengok2 klaka jugak.
In English. Body so small act like big fuck.
What to do. Observe them la..
Then suddenly whispered something and all looked back at me..
Lol. Isn't this interesting? If they really would confront me their fucking cowards.
I was alone and they were 5 people..

Heard them say to themselves. "Malas nak layan budak"
I thought to myself ah. Wow. They first year ITE obviously.
So yeah either same age with me or 1 year younger.
When my stop came. 1 of the boys went down.
I went down. Smile ah sial gerek siak dier 1 aku 1..
Before bus left i face him and look at him. Jeling terus tak tengok balik.
I follow him to his block. 408, then he go walk faster i also walk faster..
Let him go up la. Come on im not that mean.

Lesson to be learnt.




Monday, April 20, 2009
Time: Monday, April 20, 2009
Title: Sleepy-ness o.0

Autumns Monologue - From Autumn To Ashes


Man i hate Mondays.. Not only that i have to wake up early after a long weekend, i gotta think about my homework which i obviously didnt do during my weekends.

This is what happened between 5:45Am-6:05Am.

5:45Am Alarm: Guns And Roses - Sweet Child o mine

Fir: Zzz...Zzz... 5 more minutes.. -Snooze

5:55Am Alarm: Guns And Roses - Sweet child o mine

Fir: Zzzz.. Why'd i put such a loud alarm.. Zzzz... 5 more minutes.. - Snooze

6:05Am Alarm: Guns And Roses - Sweet child o mine.

Fir: Zzzz... FINE LA I WAKE UP..

Okay. Left for school.

Alls well till 2:30pm.

Got History Excel Program. Heh fine ah. Mr Roy also not that bad right? Go shop outside of sch. Come back 2:45 see Daniel Lim hounding for homework like some ...
Go hide at 5N1. Ahmad go kick table due to some maths thing.
Daniel Lim come in. I go hide behind edric.. HAHA. Scold2 and didnt see me sia! Wee!
Stayed out till 3pm and went in when Mr Roy came in.

Daniel lim -.-""""

Ok then go home!
Reached home only Yana call. "
"Dinner and movie at Causeway point i belanja?"

Ahh Sorry to reject. I was really tired. And no, im not gonna let you belanja me.. Its not nice.
I steady punya boy.

Went online then saw a way awesome cover of Micheal Angelo Batio - No Boundaries

Okay. Boring Monday? Yeah.
Will update soon.
Fir -


Sunday, April 19, 2009
Time: Sunday, April 19, 2009
Title: Mid year is making me feel i should study..

New Medicines - Dead Poetic.

Okay my boring Sunday.

Morning wake up 9 go mosque. Reach 10, Ustaz late till 11pm.. -.-...
1pm reach home go study more vectors. REALLY I STUDY OK!

Then study till 3. Got damn bored and go online~
Go online and searched for "How to make your hair grow faster."
So many results. But i see most needa buy some kinda product. =/..
And no im not gonna try some stupid fruit that would make my hair grow faster.. I cant even remember the name of the fruit.
You dont eat the fruit you squish in on your head.. WTF?

Ok search2 then see one make hair grow faster and stronger i go and click.
The next thing i saw was Pubic hair.. FUCK SIA..

Ok im soo not getting any info from the net about hair anymore..
I'll patiently wait for it to grow. I think it grew abit yesterday. I think ah.
Family go maulid Rasul at cousin house. I didnt go. I was so damn sleepy for some reason.
Then now im bored at home.
Okay im done. I'll talk more either later or tomorrow. :)

PS: Dont squish fruits on your head just to make your hair longer. Not only it sounds stupid. It looks even dumber..


Saturday, April 18, 2009
Time: Saturday, April 18, 2009
Title: Bang Bang Bang

Okay Saturday!

Wake up around 8am. No idea why since is suppose to be my sleeping day..
Left for breakfast with Yana at 9. Yeah FUNNY la my hair.................. :(
Blah2 and reached home at around 12:30.
Tuition at 1pm o.0.. Seriously i need it.. Now i can do Vectors easily! (Not really)
Finish 3. Study till 4.
Play dota! Wee!
Now bored at home. Dowan go out anymore till Monday. Dowan!!
And no i wont be posting pictures of my current look on my blog.. -.-..


Friday, April 17, 2009
Time: Friday, April 17, 2009
Title: First blogging day ?

Just made a blog.
I neeeda some time to figure this whole thing out.
This is to keep myself away from GAMES.
Nothing much happened today i guess.
Although now my face looks like a ball since i went for a haircut..
May God Damn My Pricipal. Mrs KOK.
During haircut. Went kfc, ate breakfast.
Its not that i can have breakfast at 9am at Kfc all the time right?
So ill seize the oppurtunity..
Am toaster meal wasnt that bad..
Back school. Went class. Laughed at.. -.-.
Finish school. Went back home. Dad sending me to Assyafa'ah.
Went together with him.
Went home. Sleep. Forget got soccer at Adm NPC at 5pm.
Thats my boring and colourless day today.
But thanks to the people that helped me make this blog.
You know who you all are :D.
