Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Time: Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Title: Something new! Taking Dota to WRSS
Silent nice(Rock Version) - Original by idk.
This is both Sen's idea and mine.
This is gonna be what looks like in DOTA, if a student from our school was an Avatar in DOTA.
This is jokes only.
Saiful - The Infected/Smellytron/Garbage Man(Picture not available, photographer tried to take but camera was burnt due to his skills)
Range: 1-2 - 1 Is hands. 2 is legs.
Move Speed: 0.4m/s
Damage: 3-5
HP: 100
Mana: 100
HP Regen: -1/s
Mana Regen: 1/s
Attack Speed: VERY SLOW.
Armor: -14
Swine Flu blast: Adds a powerful toxin that affects people and cause H1N1 Deals more damage the lower the target's health is.Everytime he uses this skill the Singapore Government would chase him down with Tanks and Helicopters to shoot him down.
Damage done - Might cause closure of schools, Closure of wherever thats suppose to close when theres a flu epidemic.
Damage done to self - Government shoots him down and kills him.
Rot: An increasing bad smell comes from The Infected(
Dont we all agree..), and damages his surroudings due to the bad smell. Grass will decompose. Trees will die.
Damage done: Living things around 2km of The Infected would lose their sense of smell for a week. Living things 200m from The Infected would collapse and start having Seizures.
Living things beside The Infected would die.
Damage done to self - The Infected dies too.
Shoe hit: Summons an old lady from the ground and start hitting opponents, but when the old lad realises that she was part of The Infected skills, she threw shoes at him instead..Damage done to humans - Makes us shocked at first but then we start laughing at him cause the old lady starts to throw her shoes at him.
Damage done to self - Getting shoes thrown at? Then cry one corner cause his skill didnt work well. Curses the Avatar maker. And thought this was a glitch.
And The Infected's Ultimate?
Global Stink: Casts a spell that allows the whole world to smell him. Need i say more..Damage done to living things. Everyone smells him. Takes up guns and starts a hunt.
All the diffrent Government in the world puts up a 100M bounty DEAD OR ALIVE.
So whatcha all waiting here for? His current location is in Malaysia or the Amazon.
Go find him, 100M awaits you.
Labels: The Infected
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Time: Saturday, June 27, 2009
Title: M.J. The greatest pop legend not alive

The greatest Pop legend Alive.
Rest in peace bro.
He died a being a Muslim
Master Of Puppets - Metallica
Okay yesterday went to for prayers and was a little late.
Went off to causeway point to meet up Mingo.
He wanted to watch transformers, but the queue was damn long.
And im going to watch with a friend anyway.
So never go. Hahahaha.
Mingo go get a haircut, his hair wasnt long but still got one.. Wth..
Went back home and dota~
Oh well. Dont wanna elaborate results. :D
This part totally DOTA. You dont dota? Dont see.
My current dota members whom i dota everyday with are.
Valiant28 - Sen
HvalentineZ - Fiz
Lobaksux - Mingo
Good people to play games with.
Why is Sen good to play games with?
Even though some games sen isnt pro at, he's an interesting partner cause he talk crap alot.
Which means the game doesnt get boring! So good ah got sen. No boring games~
Fav Dota heroes: Tidehunter/Spiritbreaker
Why is Fiz good to play games with?
Cause, its funny to see him play! I mean he acts like a know it all but he dont really know much.
But when he knows how to do it he does it quite well but sometimes will cost the death of other allies in games.. If Sen he just die by himself.
Lol. But fiz good la, interesting game cause he also talk alot.
Fav Dota heroes: Sacred Warrior/Nerubian Assasin
Why is Ming good to play games with?
Ming is quiet in game. Noisy in life. Sometimes you wonder why god even gave him a mouth..
In game he usually pro. Esp in dota. He would guide people like sen, and achieve something.
Fav Dota heroes:Moon Rider/Broodmother/Netherdrake
And me?
Im a solo player. One man show. I do things myself and sometimes would help my allies.
If they dont, ill do it mysef.
Ok enough about dota.
Now today.
Went to meet Sen,Aiin,Hidayah and of course Mingo to go and makan Sakura.
Twice a week siol.
Ah well.
Eat eat eat.
After that me and mingo went home.
Sen,Hidayah and Aiin went to watch Transformers.
I gonna watch with a friend so nt going with them.
Oh well. Went home, did some homework. Dota, Tower defence.
Then now here i am.
Parents back from Negeri Sembilan.
Bought me kuih!
I wanted a new handphone.. =/..
Oh well. School starts on Monday.
Time to see whats gonna show for me.
BING WU! Start running..
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Time: Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Title: im so damn full
New divide - Linkin Park
Yesterday went to sakuraaaa!
But the few girls who wanted to come didnt come due to some reasons.
So it leaves me sham sen ming and sim.
I didnt eat alot sia, so sad.
Sim didnt eat alot too, sad.
Ming ate alot, sad.
Sham and sen ok ok ah.
But the smart ass sen go and take another bus.
Making him late in meeting.
His ppd no money and we cant contact him!
So i went up to boots and shoe to see if he was there.
He wasnt, but sham was.
So went down to 903 to wait for him.
Still not there!
And he was like 20 mins late!
I thought he already went first.
Nasib before 903 he arrive sia.
or bye sen!
Okay after makan went to causeway point.
Started to drizzle so i took another 903.
Reached the interchange.
I was feeling sleepy.
And i think i want a pet.
Oh ya i got a pond of fishes at home.
But i dont get to touch them or anything!
I only feeeed them.
Eat la you dumb fishes, dont care about your owner who cleans your pond and feeds you.
Ok random, where was i.
Oh right causeway point!
Ming needed to buy some earpiece.
And i needed a new desktop.
So go courts look around.
Does 4GB ram and GEFORCE 9800 sound good, Quad core processor sound good?
Hell yeah it does to me.
But its like $1699?
I mean it aint that bad.
Im thinking of getting in.
23 inch HD not bad.
Ok i happy now.
Now im going to eat.
Nasi ayam cooked by grandma in the morning.
This day started perfectly.
BING WU, im gonna get you. ALL YOUR SPIES WERE AT SAKURA.Labels: perfect money
Monday, June 22, 2009
Time: Monday, June 22, 2009
Title: boring day
The Fire and the Fury - Firewind
Okay, today has been a real boring day for me.
I didnt go out cause i gots nothing on. How sad.
Oh well, at least tomorrow im going for sakura..
Lately i feel lazy to do just about anything.
Oh well, holidays are soon over.
Then school starts.
Oh well, idk june holidays is abit boring for me.
I mean i only do homework and maybe a few outings.
Oh well, im going to be damn busy during the end of year school holidays.
I dont plan to work since i got too much thing on my hands.
Maybe just weekend work?
I mean, what do i need so much money for.
Show off ah ? Lol la.
But nevermind, im taking class 3 and 2b which is car and motorbike licence respecticely.
And i got myself into MMA starting December.
Oh well, i think ill be busy enough before whatever would start next year.
Maybe ill work after i get my Class 3 and 2b.
Oh well.
Now a list to do when school reopens.
Start to focus in class since its my damn O level year.
Put BING WU's bag in a box.
I think i needa eat less.
Oh well 3 things.
I think the 2nd wont be a problem, but still no 1 is hard.
Anyways im going out to eat noww~
Friday, June 19, 2009
Time: Friday, June 19, 2009
Title: repost
I just finished posting my post before then now im going to write again.
A friend told me to look at someones blog.
So i go and see la.
Now look at this paragraph thats obviously reffering to me.
In my opinion, I think some people are just plain jealous about how I handle things in my life. Now, they are creating a huge fuss about me by talking about me and even blog about me. How cool, am I always on your mind? Quite surprised to know. Anyway, don't stop! *giggles*Now lets correct some mistakes shall we?Jealous? Lol la. Handle things in your life? Your handling your life in such a stupid way, making people dislike you.
And you forgot? You fucked up your life during 2008. Need i tell everyone how you fucked it up?
Cool eh? To be on my mind ?
Stupid girl.
You apologize and now giving me this.
I dont need your apology as now as we all can see its worth nothing.
Since you want to continue this thing you are doing.
And now, towards me and you its already hatred.
Use that as motivation.
Dont waste my time.
But i tell you one thing you suceed in, pissing me off.
Stop this nonsense and get on with your life as whatever.
If this posts makes you stronger like what you say, by all means GET STRONGER.
Cause im way fucking stronger then you.
Labels: not cool
Time: Friday, June 19, 2009
Title: more homework
Hallowed be thy name - Cradle of filth
Started the day by wakin up at around 11am?
Arnd 12:45 went off to asyafa'ah..
Met with sham sen ahmad zul hafiz afiq and hasif.
Went to pray at the 4th floor.
It was unusually hot, i was sweating when i finished..
End prayers.
Went of to causeway point to go and eat. I ate yong tau foo laksa soup.
Which is DAMN nice.
Its not at banquet its at horizon.
Then after we finished eating went down to basement 1 of Causeway point for idk what.
Saw kenneth tung sheng and shu luan.
All look at zul SANDALS.
So all laugh2.
Wonder why he even wore sandals, i forgot the reason.
Ok then went some other places in causeway point then i head back home.
Dad told me yesterday he went to kubur to go and see the remains of my grandma, great grandad and great grandmother.
When the body was lifted, everyone was shocked.
I mean they didnt know what to expect.
"They" Reffering to my cousins.uncles,aunties.
So see some bones and more bones.
Then my dad ask the excavator.
"Is there anyone who was lifted out of the grave with everything intact?"
"Yes, there was a lady, who teaches the
Al Qur'an she passed away 30 years ago, but her body was still intact when we excavated it"
"How do you know she teaches?"
"Almost every week a student would come and pay their respects, i asked one of them and he told me she demanded no money from students, her body was does not even look as if she passed away if not for the blood that made her face look all black"
Having your body intact after 30 years means you did ALOT of good deeds.
And this kinda things happen very RARE at the graveyard, like maybe 1 body every 20 years?
Im sure the woman now is at peace.
Oh well. I wonder what would happen to me..
Doubt i did so many good deeds.
Go and dota.
Did homework.
Sorry if this blog post is abit diffrent.
It just makes me think, what would happen to me in about 100 years time.
Guess i wont get to know..
Labels: prayers
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Time: Thursday, June 18, 2009
Title: finally
Unholy Confessions - Avenged Sevenfold
Ended Dnt.
Artefact 80% complete. Damn!
I dont look at this pathetic excuse for a holiday as an actual holiday.
Now i got about a week to finish homework.
As if im going to finish all.Damn la.............................
Oh well.
Oh ya, i've now gained info that the post a certain someone made, wasnt for me.
Oh well. Still,its obviously someone i know.
So dont be too sure of whatever you are trying to do.
And to another person, whos face also look like ghost during the class outing since you wan step lawa when u meet ur bf.
And somemore not only i say.
But the whole class..But since i said it, a tantrum was thrown at me. Lol.
As if im not used to this. :D
Not as if any of these pose a threat to me.
Kid stuff.
So this morning during break.
Went off to kfc with yaya,mani,sim and
BING WUAte and sim and
BING WU went off to buy drinks at 7/11.
Then we waited they didnt come back.
So me mani and yaya went towards shop and save since i was still thirsty.
Queue up at 1 counter, alot of things.
So go another counter.
Got lady keep pressing her card no and got it wrong.
So i went back to the other queue.
Paid for and look at the lady who still pushing the stupid buttons.
She angry at the cashier as if th cashier got do something wrong.
"Eh this thing spoil la"
And seriously?
I needa get that sandbag out again.
Not been training for long..
Oh well.
I'll have plenty of time after my O's.
Won't we all see whats gonna go down?Labels: Holidays
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Time: Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Title: stuffs like this should be ignored
This War is Ours - Escape the Fate
Class outing was yesterday, Tueday.
Of course the whole class had fun.
I mean we were all playing games and enjoying ourselves.
Daniel Lim also had fun!
See old man laughter!
Ah okay.
Now like everyone who was there knew, there was an obvious bad side that happened later at night.
So yeah, i was like blamed. For something i didnt do.
Kena maki lagi. Wow.
Oh well.
Of course i maki balik.
Say what crap that i changed, blah3..
But if i changed why am i treated normally by my friends?
And people starting to hate you?
But nvm.
This is what happens when you get confident in the presence of someone.
So i got angry, was on the verge of doing something VERY DRASTIC.
But hey, i mean. Im at Pasir Ris for fun right ?
So ya, let the person go fuck off and die.
YES FUCK OFF AND DIE.I also red the person's blog.
Wah. That person sounds really confident over winning something.
Oh well. Haha.
Can even say "Watch me win you"
Haha. As we all can see.
Im not afraid to lose.
Now may these facts go abuzz in your mind.
Even if i do lose, rest assured its gonna be damn difficult for you. I aint going down without a fight.
Be worried if this happens.
Be very worried.-FirDo the smart thing and go down without a fight. Thats what you are made to do anyways.Labels: you aint worth my time
Monday, June 15, 2009
Time: Monday, June 15, 2009
Title: class outing tomorrow
Mein Herz brennt - Rammstein
Went to kampong on saturday.
Bored to death.
Hide in mosque for like 6 hours or more?
With Haziq and my brother!
But Ashraff went back to kampong, so it leaves me and Haziq.
The mosque was so damn empty.
Its like nobody was there untill prayer times.
Even then there were only like 3-4 people.
Its a small mosque.
Oh well.
Cant remember what i did in there.
But we were wayy bored.
Reached singapore in the wee hours of the morning.
Go and sleep.
Wake up at 7am. FOR NO REASON?
Then idk what i did. 11am.
Then i go sleep again.
Till 3pm?
4pm went gym alone.
Quite slacking in going there.
Didnt do my cardio. =/...
Was too lazy.
Then whats the bloody use of going there?Left gym arnd 5+?
Went off to woodgrove to buy chocolate milk!
Night went online to talk and dota.
Then thats the end of the day. Boo. Sucky day.
This morning went off to sheng shiong to meet classmates to get stuff for class outing.
I waited at the bus stop opposite the mosque.
Then sen at the sheng shiong bus stop. GEE.
So i wasted 20 mins.
When i was talking to sen, suddenly i got shocked.
Hidayah appeared beside me.
Wth? Lol.
She wanted to draw money then went straight to sheng shiong,
Reached there, there was Muhsen,Mani,Ruzanna and Mani's so called brother. Cute guy.
So now we know that Ruzanna cant win a 5 year old.
And sen was like a father to the boy.
Hold his hand, but the boy dowan hold Ruzanna's hand. LOL.
After buying nuggets and some personal stuff, went to causeway point to eat.
So i was full.
Went off to NTUC.
Buy stuff like bread and sausages.
Wonder why we cant find any small plastic bags..
Then head off to Mani's house.
Ruzanna went home cause her house is in the opposite way anyways.
Reached Mani's house which was 1 floor above Aqilah Aka
DEMONIC GIRL house.So did some grouping of groups for the class outing tomorrow.
I cant remember who the members of the group are. But its fair game. Serious.
We randomed the whole thing.
But did some alterations la.
To make it more fair!
And maybe to make some things go my way. Hehe.The games to be played AS A CLASS tomorrow are
Captains ball.
WATERBOMBand volleyball!
I do have plans to sabo some targets.Wanna know who?Read my post after the outing. :)Kinda looking forward for tomorrow.
Oh well, i havent packed anyways.
Lets see.
Tuesday - Class outing
Wednesday - Chalet
Thursday - "
Friday - "
Sat- Movie with a friend.
Sun - No plans yet. But im certain theres something going on.
Ah well.
To those reading tonight.
Ok, i go pack now.
Labels: BOOM
Friday, June 12, 2009
Time: Friday, June 12, 2009
Title: Demons they follow me
Demons - Avenged Sevenfold
Lets start with yesterday.
Thursday was not really a good day for me.
Got scolded and shouted at.
I not your kid la..
He go and talk to me after school.
Guess its settled.
I say ah.
I dont like to be shouted over small matter such as not bringing my worksheet.
I already stood for an hour.
So he was like overeacted just now.
So i tell him ah,
I did not intend to do what i previously did.
It was very random and i can assure it will not happen again.
I apologize for wat happened during practical lesson.
Cheh. =DOther then that, Aqilah is acting like a
I think she's either possesed or just have PMS.
Get well soon Aqy.
Now friday.
Recess go and eat outside at the coffee shop.
I think i accidently hit Kamarul and got curry on my shirt and pants.
I think it was me.
But nevermind.
Cleaned it off.
All okay till Daniel Lim went back in the class.
Everyone got scolded for not attending his Extended Help Program. -_-
Yati and Aqy dont know go say what yesterday to him.
Something bout everyone not coming.
It wasnt necessary cause he would find out anyway.
Just made him mad in that moment of time.
Alah wth, i dont care. Nothing to do with me, i got Dnt.
Ended the day by going home instead of mosque since i got curry all over my pants like yellow paint. YES
YELLOW.Go home, dota. Lose all games. Wah. Power.
Now someones mad at me for not replying yesterday.
And the worlds gonna end 21 Dec 2012.
Ill explain more on my next post.
Labels: Scary
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Time: Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Title: a random thought
Problems problems.Labels: crazy problems.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Time: Saturday, June 06, 2009
Title: tiredness
Technical Difficulties - Paul Gilbert
Woke up 7am on my sleep day. =/.
Go to vista park play soccer till like 11am?
Super hot weather.
Okay, went back home.
Off to peninsula at 2pm.
Wilson late alr, 2:20 then go.
Reach marsiling MRT, slipper putus.
Walk all the way back like one cacat guy.
Nobody to blame but me right ? HOW SAD.
Told them to go to penin first, meet them later.
Last time, i changed my electric guitar string for like 15 bucks
Sen and sham change like 50 dollars total.
Sen pay 17 dollar. Sham blanja the rest. Sham is a really nice guy.
Okay went up to the Challenger IT mall at funan to get my external speakers for D&T
Like 30 bucks?
Then i go play game!
Like maze! only something chase me.
Lose at level 3. Sad. Sad. :(
Today, somehow i feel like i have no mood, hence my blogpost sounds abit dull.
Oh well. Next time more stuff!
Labels: bored