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Sunday, October 18, 2009
Time: Sunday, October 18, 2009
Title: Goodbye

Blogging will resume only on the 11th November 2009.
After O's!


Mohamed Firdaus.

Mohamed Firdaus does not love Nur Shamira Farliyana
Because she closed my blog and asked me to concentrate for my O Levels.

Time: Sunday, October 18, 2009
Title: -


100th post :)


I've been thinking.
I've been keeping too many things at heart.

So far, i've come to know so many things.
And this is the last straw.

How far do you think this will go?
Keep doing whatever your trying to do..
This does not only apply to one person.
If you think your hiding something from me, i probably already know about it.
Like i said, im keeping too many things at heart.

What are you trying to prove..
Wanna bring me down?
Do you think it matters to me?

Im telling you now, dont bother with your stupid revenge.
Yes, now im referring to only ONE PERSON.

Okay, first of all. I DONT KNOW YOU.
Secondly, if you want her so much, you should talk to her, not pose as a threat to me. I think its stupid.

You already received my blog address.
I dont expect anything that can relate to you as a mere child.
Hate tags, please dont bother.
You told her you wanted my number, and she didn't give it to you right?

Call me if you want to straighten things out, dont leave stupid sms-es that again will prove your child like mentality.

Of course my deal is One to One.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Of course, i did my background check on you.

Been in silat? Now taking Muay thai.

No wonder so daring. Haha.
And you have that tattoo in between your eyes. Whats it called.. Tiam or something.
So that means your a big time fighter right.
Ok la, come show..

Like i said, dont bother with leaving childish remarks.
Just come face to face to talk this out.

Mohamed Firdaus
Never Falter. Never Surrender.


Im impressed, he really did msg me.
Im going off now.
Will update more later.


Alright, home.
Nothing much happened, only talking i guess.
Nobody flared.
Ah well, things between me and him settled alr.


Saturday, October 17, 2009
Time: Saturday, October 17, 2009
Title: -






There's still Barcelona..


Evil Angel - Breaking Benjamin


Alright, i was at RP the whole day yesterday.
Was with with Essham,Arwiz,Syaza,Aiin and Ruzanna.

Okay, skip boring parts.

Went to ADM park that was near.
It was way dark.

Me and sham was walking behind.
Muhsin called my phone.
So they continued walking.
I stopped to talk to sen, sham beside me.
When i looked infront they were all gone.

So me and sham continued walking.
Edric msged.
I was looking at the msg while sham was walking infont.
Then when i finish replying. Sham was gone.
So i was alone. Boo.
I was wondering where everyone was.

Ruzanna then called me.
I say ah. Where the hell are you all?
She said, they dont know where me and Sham are.
And they heard a scream.
It wasn't me -.-"
So they called sham, and the most wonderous thing happened.
My phone dropped and i cant find it.
As everyone knows i can't see at night.
So im in the fucking forest, with no phone.

And of course, as everyone knows again.
I dont give a fuck.
So i kept walking. Then i found a way out.
Then i saw sham, he show me middle finger and say why your phone on the floor.
So then walked back and join everyone.

But whas bothering me is that.
Before i got lost.
There was this white thing beside Aiin.
Then sen called -.-"
Oh well, i have no idea what had just happened, but for sure im going back there.
So who's up for it ?


Sorry for shouting at you :(.

Mohamed Firdaus
Never Falter. Never Surrender.


Friday, October 16, 2009
Time: Friday, October 16, 2009
Title: -


Waking the demon - Bullet for my valentine


Okay, i knew i was tired yesterday, but i still went down to play soccer.
So i came back from woodgrove around 2am(?), bathed and went to sleep.

Okay, today was nice, reached school around 8:40am.
So i was told i was late and was suppose to go to the General office.
My hair was spiked, so NO WAY IM GOING THERE.
Mr George saw me from afar and already called me.
So i went to him and said.
"I was from the 2nd floor, the hall. My class starts now."

So i was off the hook :D
The principal was like there when he spoke to me, so i just went off before i got a BIG lecture.
I was so tired, but managed to stay awake since i drank like 2 cups of coffee in the morning..
Chemistry, blah. Physics, blah.
Around 11:30, studied till like 12:30 and left for prayers.
We we're late -.-"
Ate at KFC and tried the new Frappe thing.
Its nice for people who drink coffee.
Everyone should look at Sen's and Zul's face when they drank it. HAHA.
Went for math, and it was beneficial.
I aimed for a  B4 right? Now im coming lower with a B3.
I've been doing so much math..
Im neglecting my science..
Oh well, will cover some topics tonight.

After that, i went to play more soccer. :D
Arwiz, Min Hao, Afiq, How siang and Saiful -.-" were there.
I have no comments on How siang.
Went back after that and now, im not even sleepy.
Damn super strong coffee..

Alright, will stay online to watch simpsons till like 10+?
Then im off to do chem!

So what's left?
In my opinion, everyone is two-faced.
So which face is everyone showing me..?
This isn't a bad remark about whoever, please don't be offended.
Its just a thought. :)

Mohamed Firdaus
Never Falter. Never Surrender.


Thursday, October 15, 2009
Time: Thursday, October 15, 2009
Title: -


Underclass hero - Sum41


Alright, back home from night study.
I didn't know it took me more then one person to teach me math.
Not that im hard to teach okay.
So Azri and his other friend, with his other friend, who's name i can't remember tutored me.
I think Azri called her Beyonce.
And thanks to her and Rey, i was given chocolates, sweets,lolipops and pocky. :D Wooohooooo!
I also got the picture that i took with Aishah and Rey at the flashmob. Thanks~
My face so round siaaa, and i think i'll stop doing stupid poses in pictures. :)
Next time whoever wants a picture with me, i step macho ah. HAHAHA!

And, im seriously improving in math, if i continue at this rate, im sure i would be able to achieve my initial target of a B3. Maybe an A2 ehh?

For now, im super tired, and i think i'll get some rest.
Not done with chemistry which is due tomorrow, my class would be combined with other 4E classes if im not mistaken.

Alright, will sign off now..
Mohamed Firdaus
Never Falter. Never Surrender.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Time: Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Title: -


Lying Delilah - Warmen


So im graduated from WRSS.
But i don't see the diffrence.
I need to come back to school everyday.
Whats the use?
So they real GRADUATION DAY IS 11 NOV 2009.

Mrs A Tan ruined my video, as everyone can see.
She edited almost everything, ill upload the original version version to youtube and embed the video here.
I got the prize for improvement in D&T. I mean, its not much or anything.

Now i think ill lay out some plans after my O's.

Im definitely going for MMA.
About time i start getting into sports like this again.
Although someone doesn't want me to get into MMA. Too dangerous, blah.
Understanding please? :)
Im going back to the gym of course, not consistent for some time already.
And im gonna start running again!
Last record was like 10 mins for 2.4, i aim 9mins come end of this year.
I need that amount of stamina if im going to stay in MMA anyways.

Besides, im taking licence this year, so im gonna do it once and pass.
So, work can wait, im gonna spend my life working anyways.

Anyways, i now think Wing Chun is a good form of martial arts.
Its really defensive.
But the art isnt strong if your on boxing gloves.

Oh well, in other news.
Some gay touched sen on the bus just now.
And i cant stop laughing!

Im not gonna study tonight, im too tired.

Mohamed Firdaus
Never Falter. Never Surrender


Monday, October 12, 2009
Time: Monday, October 12, 2009
Title: -


The Final Countdown - Children of bodom


School was okay today.
I mean, the principal isn't angry with me or whatsoever.
So i stayed back after school with Ming and Azri in class 4E2.
Did some math, and talked of course.
Then Nabil came in and told us he lost his phone.
For a guy who lost his phone, he wasn't that depressed. Haha.
Alright, did some math and physics.
Went home.

Then again, i can't help but think.

What makes you so sure of yourself?
I mean. Come on.
Your making yourself feel so high up. For what?
To show who?
I suggest you stop assuming things thats not true or was never true.
If you felt otherwise, im telling you STRAIGHT in your face.
Its not, :D
Stop making up stories.
You want to get on with your life, go ahead, but why make such assumptions?

Although now, i do regret.

All that help, wasted. I could have channeled my energy elsewhere, maybe in that earthquake that recently happened in indonesia..
Trust? Lol.

And of course, to top it all off.

I dont know what i did.
Cause for all i know that i've done nothing wrong.

Its like im fighting a war without knowing what im fighting for.
So you know what this means? There should be no war, why?
Im not fighting for anything. If its so serious, tell me.
Why are you not telling me?
Afraid whatever you heard is not true?
Even if what you heard wasnt true, i dont expect an apology.

And of course, whoever who wants to address this case personally to me. Your all welcome.
Cause i want to know what i did.
If im really at fault. I will apologize. As if you all don't know me .
So finally, id like to end with this.

"Like father, like son."
You translate.
For no apparent reason, im being targeted.
Sounds fammilar doesn't it?

Mohamed Firdaus
Never Falter. Never Surrender.


Sunday, October 11, 2009
Time: Sunday, October 11, 2009
Title: -


M.I.A. - Avenged Sevenfold


Whole family left for Malaysia.
So i spent the day at RP.
Left around 5:45pm?
Had my dinner.
Made my way back home.

To whoever this may apply too.

You make everything look okay.
You got the brains, think.
For one, you know its not okay.
Keep lying to yourself. :)
Of course, i'll be there to see or to know the outcome of everything.
Im watching and enjoying every episode of this show your putting up.
It doesn't concern me, but its way to interesting to not take notice or to pass up.

So now these question lies.

How far can you go ?
How much can you take in the near future..

Alright, thats part of my mind.
Although i really do wonder. Why?

In other news,

Happy 16th birthday Nurul Shamira Farliyana bte Muhd Fairuz.

     Never Falter. Never Surrender.


Saturday, October 10, 2009
Time: Saturday, October 10, 2009
Title: -


Livin' on a prayer - Bon Jovi


Alright, back from Malaysia.
Not elaborating. Something happened in the family and i had to be there.

I spent my trip there reading up on chemistry.

You know what? I think people say things that they don't mean.
Of course, i would only assume that.
I mean, whenever someone gets mad, they just say anything that comes into their minds.
Hence, after the incident, after they've realised that what they said was something that actually caused hurt to someone, they would then apologize.
What does this mean?

So everyone,
Learn to control your emotions.

Alright another topic.
Why would SEAB put the DnT paper and the Humans paper on the same date?
Wth? So much memorizing to be done..
Oh well. Im positive i could get at least a B3-B4 for Humans, but i dont want that.
I want an A2!
Other then that, did i tell everyone im improving in math?! :D:D:D:D:D:D!!!
I could get a B for the paper, only im not sure if a B is what i want.
So im gonna practice more. :)

Never Falter. Never Surrender.


Friday, October 9, 2009
Time: Friday, October 09, 2009
Title: -


18 and life - Skid Row


Im not talking about school.
I just got to know that i got most improved for D&T so im getting a prize on stage or whatever.
You know what this means? I have to go face to face with the principal, yet again.
Maybe she won't be mad at me this time.
Then again. I DONT GIVE A FUCK.
I'd be going for classes, but im so not gonna see her. Spoil my day only -.-"

Im actually improving in Maths.
I did a paper and i got C6 for it. Im like WOW.
Thats the first time i passed maths since 'N' Levels!
It might be a small thing for most of you, but its big for me.
Of course thanks to all the people that helped me.
Mainly people like Essham who helped me alot in Trigo and stuff. Sham pro at everything what.
Azri for mesuration, awesome teacher.
BING WU for circles. YES BING WU!
And the rest who helped too of course, i can't name them all.

Went to Mdm Adawiyah's house and Hidayah's house in the afternoon.
I didnt get to go with the malay boys cause something happened in school regarding me and the principal.
Not elaborating.
So it was Me,Wilson,Mingo,Hidayah,Ruzanna,Mainnah,Syaza,Mani,Edric,Sim,Sing yong AND BING WU.
Reached Mdm Adawiyah's house and jammed the lift. Lol. Pity the people who were inside.
Mainly the girls, Mani and Bing wu got stuck. Haha. But the lift moved on of course. :D Yes im evil.

So went off to Hidayah's house. There was a guitar there!
So me and Wilson itchy handdd :D.
The guitar was good, the sound is good.
Oh well. Went to triple 8 and headed back home.
Pretty normal day for me. I DIDNT STUDY AHHHH!
Now im like super tired cause,

Okay my fault, nobody to blame.
Now, ima sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
Goodnight everyone. :D

Never Falter. Never Surrender.

........? :)


Thursday, October 8, 2009
Time: Thursday, October 08, 2009
Title: -

5:29am -.-

No song opened.


Its about 5:30am now, and i just finished touching up the class video.
I stayed for night study last night and i was tired last night.
So i set my alarm at around 4:30am?
Ah well, whatever it is. Its finally completed.
Slept near 12am then its like 4 hrs of sleep. Darn it, and im spending the day to raya with friends today.
So ill need the coffee later. Ill buy one when im on the way to school. Or maybe ill buy 4.

Night study was beneficial especially to me.
Thanks to Azri for spending his time to teach me math. He's real good!
Left school around 9:30pm, since dad was on the way home, he picked me up from school.
And the lucky guy who was at the bus stop, which was ming, got a free ride home.

Ill update more later. I need to go and bathe and get ready for school.
Off to see principal later.

Never Falter. Never Surrender.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Time: Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Title: -


New Legend - Galneryus


Again. The same story.
It repeats and it get worse.

Came in late today.
Principal was away at my form class.
She came down at like 9:30, then i signed in. Wtf.
During recess, i lined up till i was like the 2nd person in the queue.
Then i noticed that i dont have money.
So i just walked off.
Dan,sham and afiq can ask,"Why didnt ask me sia?"
Of course i won't ask. I dont like to be indebted to anyone :).

Then i noticed that there was 2 bucks in my pocket.. Bodoh kan..
Oh well, got something light whats its name..
Lo mai kai or something.
Meh, kept me full for awhile.

Around 1:30, left for for SEAB at clementi with other Dnt students.
Carried my artefact all the way there.
I thought it was some sophisticated place.
Turns out, its run down. You know, like those kinda school thats never been renovated in like 10-15 years.
Oh well, ontop of that, stayed back to do physics with classmates.
Went off to kfc with Sham and Zul soon after. Around 5?
Zul and his jokes -.-"
Went back to school since i needed to sign out. We left the kfc soon since i had to go off.
So i reached school around 6:10?

Wanted to sign out, but then saw Shazrul, so i go and study with him for awhile with Syafiq.
So he signed out with Yap and i needed to go to the principal.. FUCK.
I got scolded like WHAT THE FUCK SIAL.
Oh well, left the room, went back with shaz.

Now i've completed one paper 2 for english.
Just to let you all know, i cant accept the way how the principal is talking to me.
She can try her best to DEMORALIZE ME.
All she' doing is making me dislike the school more.
Ill BURN my uniform after my last paper on the 11th nov..
Whoever wants to go back to the school wearing the uniform go ahead.
Even if my whole class asks me to do it, I WONT.

Making plans to study after the 14th.
I can study with friends only up till the 18th of Nov.
After that im staying home to study. 8 days of solid revision.
Plan to wake up at 7:30 and stop studying before midnight.
If i can achieve that, im like for sure to do well.
Current L1R4 28.
Target 14 and below.

Social Studies: B3
History:A2 ---- Sbq at least 18 marks. :) If not, idk how im gonna score.
Dnt: B3 - Depends on my theory. Ya theory.

And of course, the already sealed B4 for MT. Darn it..

I think everyone in my class can make it into the polytechnic.
They are either weak in English or Math.
But if they can overcome either one of this, they can go to the polytechnic.
So im confident that ill see around 80% passes for my class.
Honestly. I want to see everyone of my classmates pass and go for poly.
I am the kind of person that could wait for months or years for revenge.
But not in this case. Like i said before, im not bothered with problems not amouting to any physical damage.
To me, its all mind games. Even if i choose to win or lose, does it matter?
Im not severely affected my any mind games right ? It affects only to a certain extent - Like SS sia.
So all the best to ALL students of 5United.

Never Falter. Never Surrender.

:D Super happy . Wahaha!!


Monday, October 5, 2009
Time: Monday, October 05, 2009
Title: -


ENDGAME - Megadeath


Alright first of all i turn a year older today :).
Okay not that anyone cares.

Now today, the principal was in a really bad mood.
Okay, got a big scolding, got my parents called.
Ah well, i dont give a fuck. I got bigger problems to worry about rather then some old woman nagging..
So i went into class around 8:50am?
The day was okay, i mean no problems in the class and all.
I think from now on, i'll try to be more quiet in class.
I needed to get an exercise book to log my movements and attitude during class -.-
Oh well, so far, its good remarks.

After school went to kfc with some friends.
The usuals. Zul, Hafiz and Saiful---- =/.
Okay,not gonna put bad comments on him :).
After i ate, i went back to school since i needed to sign out.
Siva signed me out, then a while later, outside the general office the rankings of the Sec4E and Sec5N.
My ranking is 30/63.
And L1R4 of 28 or 29 idk.
Oh well, it sucks. Ill work harder. My last shot at this.

I would like to thank all my friends who sms-ed me today for wishing me a happy birthday.
Need to mention one name since she wish-ed me at 12 midnight today.
Thanks Myra :) .

Since a friend invited me out today, i won't be studying tonight.

Never Falter. Never Surrender.

I got another birthday message from London around 12am Singapore time. 
Its big numbers, but i guessed who.
Im so glad that you remembered.


Sunday, October 4, 2009
Time: Sunday, October 04, 2009
Title: -


Black Diamond(Stratovarious Cover) - Galneryus


Went out for raya with my family for like 6 hours today.
So i missed alot on studies. o.0
Every house i went to, i had to eat.
And ever house served prawns!

Other then that i didnt do anything much.
Man today was boring, no songs to listen to when im in the car.
Since my damn handphone isnt working, so i had to downgrade.
Idk how it happened, i was in the bus on the way to school one day and, the graphics just failed.
To be honest, it doesnt matter, i listen to music when im travelling.
Now that theres no music, i have a peace of mind to think. What really matters and all.
I can think of anything and debate about it with myself in my mind.
These few days i thought about everything.
Seriously everything, if you think theres something i might be thinking about. Then yes i probably have thought about it.

Then again, thinking more doesnt give me a peace of mind.
It surfaces real things thats happening in my life and im not doing anything about it.
Oh well, for now, i'll tell myself that most of the things arent worth it.
The only thing important now,is my "O" Levels.
Or is it ?

Im starting MMA after my O's, but its not a primary concern.
I won't die in there, so no worries.
Or rather if i die in there better for some of you right.
No more Fir~~

Meh, ill change my ways after my O's.
I am confident but i dont think highly of myself. Im happy over the little little things that i achieve -.-" .
Not saying that i think lowly of myself.
I dont see the reason to.
Theres always people who's better then me. Right ?
If your confident and think highly of yourself, then there should be a reason behind it right ?
For most, i don't see the reason. Its just that they have friends backing them up.
So what does this mean? You answer for yourself.

Never Falter. Never Surrender.



Saturday, October 3, 2009
Time: Saturday, October 03, 2009
Title: -


Red Horizon - Galneryus


Oh well, im really getting tired of studying. I mean. I spent the whole day doing Maths and English.
Gonna touch physics and chem later.
I was searching for notes in my drawer then for some reason i searched another drawer which was like super high up. Who knows, i hide notes everywhere.
Instead of finding notes, i found many2 pictures that my parents took around 16 years ago.
What amazes me is that the pictures are in such good quality.

FYI. I still have that Songkok. :)

Makes one wonder how i got so dark now. 
This is probably the only memory i can remembere when i was a like 2?
I threw that ball way up. Then it came back to hit me -.-"  .
If i recalled correctly,i think i fell.
I almost cried too. :(
Balls hurt 2 year olds. Remember that. 

Alright enough of that.

O levels is just a few weeks away, i have to keep reminding myself that.
But im real bored of studying..
Maths i needa cover graph, i dont know one single thing about it.
All i know is Y=MX+C, thanks to ahmad and zul.
Will wait for my tuition teacher to come tomorrow.
Oh well i gots nothing much to blog about since nothing happened today.
See la, i study so much till i got nothing to blog about.
Oh well, will post tomorrow. :D


Omg, i need this.. And its at 600 bucks, it aint that expensive.

With tesla VR EXTREME PICKUPS. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Orange drop neck.

Stop drooling Fir!! 

Someone help me. 
Get this first or all my effects such as delay,chorus,distortion.
I have the effects built in on my amp since its a sound drive, but the sounding isnt perfect.
Using a 20W Soundrive. 
Which to get first? Chorus or delay? Im playing mostly ballads. So its kinda a hard choice. 
Do leave a tag if you got any comments on the guitar , id appreciate it. From anyone, dont be shyy :)

Rally Gl-400.


Friday, October 2, 2009
Time: Friday, October 02, 2009
Title: -


Ill Make It To The Brigades - Lovehatehero


You know, i wonder why do such natural disasters happen to people who dont deserve it.
Places like the Philipines and Indonesia.
Makes me wonder, what they did to deserve such treatment. I mean, people in Singapore fare much worse then them.
And yet, we're all so perfectly safe while innocent people suffer.
Children live without shelter, without a home.
Where's the fairness and justice in this world.

Yet, who am i to question this.
Its not my work, or any other human beings work.

Okay, today as usual, i had to see the principal.
Since there was another person who's with her. I had to wait till like 9:25 to see her. WTF?
Oh well, How siang waited too so i got company.
I think once my last paper ends, im going to burn my school uniform.
Ya, teachers encourage us, wear our school uniform. "Proud of our school"
Well to me, the past years have never made me proud of my school.
Lets summarise shall we?

We have teachers like Mr Chee, whom wants to act fierce when we all know he's nothing and is fucking weak in English Language.

We have teachers like Mr Tan Hong Tee, need i explain more? D&T students, you all get me.

And to be honest, some teachers are two-faced. They appear to be friendly, but they are really suck-ups to the principal. Im not naming any teachers.

We have a prinicpal like MRS KOK, when my time is almost up in the school. She would do something to get me to suffer for the last month. BUT, i will thank her if i get good results. She's the woman to thank for, she MADE me study. So is this a good or bad point? I'll decide when i get my results.

Oh well, report books out. L1R4 26. FUCKING PATHETIC.
But i'll improve. Once i pass my math. From an F9 to at least a B4 ill drop 5 grades. Although a B3 is nice. But i doubt so.
And we all know i can do well in english. Ill grab that A2 or at least, B3. NO EXPOSITORY FIR, DONT DO IT.
Sciences? E8? COME ON. I slacked too much. Starting to get everything back now. A2! Physics A1 Chem B3.
Combined Humans C6? Ill get at least a B3 or an A2 if i put in more effort.
Dnt? I give up. Its either a B3 or B4. Aint gonna get no A2 for that paper.. And including coursework. So seriously? I cant tell, B3/B4.

So judging by these calculations.
2+4+2+2+3= 13

So which of these subjects is my real major problems?
Maths, English.
Im doing my best for english. 2 days and i completed 2 Compo's and 2 Paper 2s.
Maths, im receiving good help. But more help wont hurt right ?
I think ill treat sakura to whoever who taught me maths if i succesfully get a B3.
Its a small price to pay. I mean F9-B3.
I so gotta treat Essham for teaching me maths. Even if i dont get a B3 i still will do something for him la..

In other news.

Someone is not happy with me outside of school since the person thinks im over confident.
Okay, earth to loser.
First of all, even if i am over confident. What the fuck does it have to do with you? SO WHAT.
Second of all, if you really have the balls. Come and talk to me. I mean, its talking, can resolve what.
Cannot talk then we do something else la.Why the fuck would you even bother purposely having problem with me? So free?  I know you have my blog address. READ THIS AND CALL ME. 97249490! Im not afraid of putting my number up here. You got a problem with me. CALL ME AND SETTLE IT.


Im not gonna bother with problems not amounting to physical means.
Cause first of all, i dont even know the reason.
If you wanna leave it as what it is now, fine.
But of course, give me the rationale behind it..
I really want to know..

O LEVELS. 22 OCT 2009.


Thursday, October 1, 2009
Time: Thursday, October 01, 2009
Title: -


Afterlife - Avenged Sevenfold


Started the day by pressing snooze on my handphone.
I was really tired when i woke up.
I remembered that i had a judgement question i have not completed in my history assesment book and had to show the principal.
So i left home around 6:20 and went to board the MRT around 6:30?
I think i will start taking the MRT to school from now on, then i'll reach school around 6:45-6:50. Can do abit of studies, i mean. I have to see the principal every morning so ill just add more work for her to see so she won't hound me down. :)
Then again, if im too lazy to take the MRT, ill just take the bus.

During the assembly, the principal called my name to stand and move to the front.
I thought it was kinda stupid, infront of the upper secondary she called my name.
Ah well..

Results were poorly done for my class.
I passed 4 subjects only. Omg.
And full of C's and 1 B.

I think finally my emotions are getting the better of me.
Sometimes i just can't take what's being throwed at me.
And you know what? I have 1 month left in the school.
So i'll just let the month pass and just be happy with it.
Im not saying a thing about this dont ask me, its strictly for my own knowledge.
But to all friends out there.
Everyone has feelings, even me..
For now, ill act as if nothing has happened.  I mean, im real good at that. Don't you all think so ?
And on top of all that, this is not the time to give me problems.

Lets summarise.
I have my GCE 'O' Levels end this month.
Im having problems with the principal.
Im having problems with teachers.
Im letting my emotions get the better of me, although it hardly happens.
Im having non-school related problems outside.
Im not happy with some people outside of school.

Im not really in the best of moods now. But i'll be fine in school.
I need some rest to get back to normal..


"Push those distractions away. Get that breaking point back where its suppose to be, way up where no one can touch it, let alone break it. You have one more month to your major examinations. This just isnt the time for you to do these things Fir.. Its your future.."

If only its that easy.
