Job security, Wages and benefits, Working Conditions, Comradeship, Facilities and welfare
Advantages of external recruitment
-Greater no of workers cn be recruited than normally be recruited internally.
-Outside applicants could bring in new ideas, work techniques,production methods&training methods
-New blood could increase business contacts and business opportunities.
-Companies have wider choice of applicants to select best person for job.
-Avoid unproductive in fightin by employees for promotion
HRIS - database system that contains all relevant human resource info and provides facilities for maintaining and accessing these data.
HRIS includes - Job title, Grade, Salary, Salary history, Position history, Supervisor, DOB, disabilities.
Types of Payroll system
- HRIS payroll system - database system that contains all relevant HRI&provides facilites fr maintaining these data.
- Payroll software - saves time, generate pay slips automatically - easy of computation of CPF contributions and other deductions.
-Outsourced payroll programs - can result in money-saving, hassle-free, quality assurance and control.
Bonus - one time payment usually paid to employees at the end of the year to reward for contributions to the company
Variable payment - incentive payment to all employees to increase their productivity or as a reward for their contributions.
Circumstances where training may be required
-requirements for new staff
-shortfalls in employee performance
-organisational change
-technological changes
-individual's expressed needs
Safety measures every organisations would have to comply with.
-get approval for any alterations to buildings
-avoid overcrowding
-ensure good fire safety measures
-maintainence of fire safety equipment
-easy access to escape routes
On the job training - gaining training from actual work place with actual tools doing actual jobs
Off job - outside work area. conducted by own training department, own training facilities.
Suitable training pvders for off job.
Word of mouth - see opinions of fellow practitioners for recommendation
Govt - plays an impt role in creating opportunities fr workers to enhance their emplyability through skills upgrading etc.
Professional assocations - training programmes supported by professional associations often sought by other companies.
Trade/business association
Common ways of getting feedback from trainee.
-Pre test/post-test - tested on skill before and after
-Time series feedback - training outcomes are collected in periodic intervals after training in this method
-Feedback forms -formulates his/her own opinion on overall effectiveness of programme.
Critical Service attributes.
-Customer first mindset - view customers as most impt part of job
-Positive Attitude - always smiling and helpful. proactive
-professional competence - knowledgeable. skilled at dealing w people.
- people orientation - initative to build rapport, smile, eye contact.
-basic respect - make customers feel impt.
-resourcefulness - resolve problems and provide solution
-reliability provide consistent good service/ deliver promises on time
Salesmanship qualities
Adaptable - adapt to customers needs. be able to put self in customers shoes.
Confident when delivering the sales pitch. confident of the product he/she sells
Generate intrest/desire moot desire. should be able to generate customers intrest
tactful/friendly friendly at all times so customer feels at ease
Familliar w product/service - knowledge abt product so can ans questions