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Monday, October 8, 2012
Time: Monday, October 08, 2012
Title: -

9 October 2012.

Moving on to the updates with regards to my life.

Oh right, I finally got my big bike, a CB1300 Honda Super Bold'Or, my trusty steed. A street bike, I didn't want to get a sportsbike because the maintainence would be helllllll.

Anyway to round things off I'm in a polytechnic now, RP to be exact, yeah fuck that but hey a diploma's a diploma right?

Going for my Basic exercise course then Fitness instructor course soon up to expand my career prospects as well, pretty neat stuff since I do love fitness.

I hope to land a part time job in a private gym early 2013 IF the world doesn't end, maybe i'm looking at 10-15$ and hour? Which is pretty good actually.

For my own reference.

CPR + AED Cert.
Basic exercise course.
Fitness Instructor course.
Then i'd probably start learning physiology or those basic nurse stuff because i sorta do want to work at a hospital in the rehabilitation department, you know you get into an accident, you gotta go to physio to make your limbs work again, yeah i wanna do that, broadens up the career prospect yeah?

So it's pretty much Fitness Instructor then i'm working towards the medical sector, i've looked up the Workforce development authorities website and they have some basic courses for me to take, i'll just see what's needed and move on with life.

So at least i'll have a diploma in Business Informations system plus some other stuff outside yaknow?
Looking for a job that pays around 3-4k by age 30.

Oh well, that's what's up for me right now and i've no idea when i'll update this blog again.

Till whenever ladies and gentlemen.

Mohamed Firdaus
No hero in war.

Time: Monday, October 08, 2012
Title: -

9 October 2012.

I am ranting here only for my own personal entertainment.

Looking at my previous post, I sound so FUCKING pathetic don't I?
I wanted to blog about something else but since i've re-read the post, why not i update.
Here's the up to date happenings.

Broke up with the girl with regards to the previous post.
Turns out she's a complete psychopath, lucky me.

She dropped my IPhone into the sea, mind you it was the first generation IPhone hence it was a big thing.

Why did I get an IPhone in the past? Simple, it was different.

I didn't ask her to pay, I didn't ask her to do anything.
Nyeh I like to make fun of people and she of all people should know.

Anyway, I was kidding around about the phone again, after a whole day out raya-ing with friends.

Under my block she flipped, hit me, screamed at me infront of my friends and stormed off.

What i did was, cover up her name, didn't ask her to pay a single cent and whatnot and that was what i got.

Anyway long story short, she talked to me to other day, didn't bother to apologize, left me hanging.


So after that I decided to just lol it through, may she be happy with her new handsome, good looking prince charming, sense the sarcasm? Yeah i know.

Moving on, she wished me for my birthday when I was at Bintan, i looked at my phone and i was thinking what the fuck is her motive?

So i decided to ignore the whatsapp because yeah, "Hi. Happy Birthday" doesn't sound very sincere.

My friends are advising me not to talk to her again hell, even her friends are telling me not to talk to her and that I'm better off without her.

& they are right.

Mohamed Firdaus.
No hero in war.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Time: Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Title: -

By now.
Everyone would have forgotten that my blog existed.

It's the first day of Hari Raya 2011.

I feel so broken.

Now i understand why i made that decision.
But that's not the point.

I feel so angry.

I wanted to do things, i was prepared to go to jail because i know, that what i was going to do would only end up with me getting caught.
Nobody has any idea how fucked up my mind could be.
But i'm sure the person i'm referring to in this post, knows what i'm capable of doing.

But i thought.


I've moved on, BUT.

I will hang on to those words.
I will hang on to those promises.

Because i know one day, we will meet again.
And the only thing that's keeping you going strong, is the fact that you've not seen me.
Once we meet again and our lives are intersected once more.

Till then.

Mohamed Firdaus.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Time: Tuesday, March 08, 2011
Title: -

Job security, Wages and benefits, Working Conditions, Comradeship, Facilities and welfare

Advantages of external recruitment
-Greater no of workers cn be recruited than normally be recruited internally.
-Outside applicants could bring in new ideas, work techniques,production methods&training methods
-New blood could increase business contacts and business opportunities.
-Companies have wider choice of applicants to select best person for job.
-Avoid unproductive in fightin by employees for promotion

HRIS - database system that contains all relevant human resource info and provides facilities for maintaining and accessing these data.

HRIS includes - Job title, Grade, Salary, Salary history, Position history, Supervisor, DOB, disabilities.

Types of Payroll system
- HRIS payroll system - database system that contains all relevant HRI&provides facilites fr maintaining these data.
- Payroll software - saves time, generate pay slips automatically - easy of computation of CPF contributions and other deductions.
-Outsourced payroll programs - can result in money-saving, hassle-free, quality assurance and control.

Bonus - one time payment usually paid to employees at the end of the year to reward for contributions to the company
Variable payment - incentive payment to all employees to increase their productivity or as a reward for their contributions.

Circumstances where training may be required 
-requirements for new staff
-shortfalls in employee performance
-organisational change
-technological changes
-individual's expressed needs

Safety measures every organisations would have to comply with.
-get approval for any alterations to buildings
-avoid overcrowding
-ensure good fire safety measures
-maintainence of fire safety equipment
-easy access to escape routes

On the job training - gaining training from actual work place with actual tools doing actual jobs
Off job - outside work area. conducted by own training department, own training facilities.

Suitable training pvders for off job.
Word of mouth - see opinions of fellow practitioners for recommendation
Govt - plays an impt role in creating opportunities fr workers to enhance their emplyability through skills upgrading etc.
Professional assocations - training programmes supported by professional associations often sought by other companies.
Trade/business association

Common ways of getting feedback from trainee.
-Pre test/post-test - tested on skill before and after
-Time series feedback - training outcomes are collected in periodic intervals after training in this method
-Feedback forms -formulates his/her own opinion on overall effectiveness of programme.

Monday, March 7, 2011
Time: Monday, March 07, 2011
Title: -

Critical Service attributes.

-Customer first mindset - view customers as most impt part of job
-Positive Attitude - always smiling and helpful. proactive
-professional competence - knowledgeable. skilled at dealing w people.
- people orientation - initative to build rapport, smile, eye contact.
-basic respect - make customers feel impt.
-resourcefulness - resolve problems and provide solution
-reliability provide consistent good service/ deliver promises on time

Salesmanship qualities

Adaptable - adapt to customers needs. be able to put self in customers shoes.
Confident  when delivering the sales pitch. confident of the product he/she sells
Generate intrest/desire moot desire. should be able to generate customers intrest
tactful/friendly friendly at all times so customer feels at ease
Familliar w product/service - knowledge abt product so can ans questions

Sunday, September 12, 2010
Time: Sunday, September 12, 2010
Title: -

I'll delete this post right after my BEV exam :)
This is real brief, sorry fr my use of english.

Adv of partnership.

More funds avail.
Since resources of 2 or more individual are combined, larger amt of capital is avail.
If indivdual no money, can always invite others to join as partners.

Enhanced Credit Standing
Financil institutions willing to extend credit when parters make themselves liable for debts of partnership.
Since more owners in partnership, creditors more confident to support loans.

Increased Specialisation in management skills.
Partners of diff backgrounds can help ea other in terms of skill, contacts, specialization.

Possibilities of growth&expansion.
Diversification in management and multiple sources of capital enhance prospects fr a firm's growth and expansion into new products/markets. partenership can attrack key personnel by admitting loyal and capable employees as partners.


Dilution of control
Since more then one owner, one person no full control.
not all ideas accepted.

Friction inevitable
Not happy w one another, EXPLAIN.

Limited Life
Death/Resignation. EXPLAIN.

Adv of Incorporated company.

More sources of funds
As the number of shareholders increases, so does amt of capital. A pvt limited can solicit funds from up to 50 members while public limited can invite general public to subscrible to its shares.

Specialised  management skills.
Big companies divided into departments. these professionals are experts in their own areas.

Perpetual life
If business is well managed, compay can carry on business with no problem.
Death or withdrawal no effect to life as busines is a diff entity from owners.

Disadvantages of incorporated.

More govt regulations.
Required to keep proper accounting records and file financial statements in its annual returns to ACRA, it is also governed by Singapore Companies Act.

Lack of secrecy.
required to disclose important financial figures and other relevant information in its annual report, information regulary used by competitors.

Higher tax.
Tax rate on companies is 20%, ever changing due to economic situations.

Workers union is an association of workers for the purpose, in whole or in part, of bargaining, on behalf of workers, with employers, about the terms and conditions of emplyment.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Time: Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Title: -



I'll update for real this time.
But i doubt anyone would read it since my blog has been dead for quite sometime.

Everythings been rather fine lately.
School's okay, classmates are like normal classmates.

Well, i do play lots of CS during class right now since its, well, there.

Just to let you all know that i'm updating because i haven't slept since yesterday night and that i'm not asleep till now, one more hour and that makes 24 hours without sleep, which isnt really something to be proud of.

It's during the fasting month right now and so far so good.
And if you all should read the archives of this blog, and see how things have changed.
I'm sure if your following me this far, i must have updated something about you, or maybe the tagboard.

Things have changed alot lately although i'm not quite sure what has changed in me.
If there even is a change, it's not obvious to me. . .

It's the fasting month right now and things are going so-so.
Temptations here and there but hey, you guys know me. (:

Been breaking fast outside with a couple of groups lately, mainly with my secondary school friends.
I did break-fast with my bukit batok boys, but thats not really counted considering i was the only one out of 20 people fasting. Pfft. I good boy, what to do?

As i'm typing this new paragraph, i'm starting to yawn.
Guess it's time for me to go to bed soon.
I shall type two more paragraph before i end with my usual stuff.

I haven't been going training for nearly 3 weeks due to the fasting month.
Wouldn't wanna exert myself without any food or water during the trainings, i won't last an hour.
And another thing is, for those of you whom actually sparred or maybe i taught a little bit here and there.
I'm sure you all know that my moves are very tactical and patient.
Well, i'm going to change that into being more agressive.
Instead of countering you, i'd be the one starting to murder you. :D
I shall start training tomorrow.

About 2 weeks to Hari Raya and i've not gotten a single piece of baju kurung, courtesy of Nur Amalina Zakaria who can't go this week due to her preperations for her examinations.
Haaaah, i'm not complaining babylove, i'm just saying :D .
I'll meet you during this sat okayy?

Oh and did i mention?
I love that girl, and i hope she knows how much i do.
Yes we do have our minor quarrels here and there, but in the end, we still reconcile.
Anyone who has something against her, know what you're up against before attempting to do anything drastic.
Wa pey siao datang, masalah besar. Right everyone?
Not that i'm a big shot or anything, but i'd give it my everything for her.
And i think my everything is something.
But i'm sure nobody has anything against herrr. . . . . or me :D

Okay, my yawns are getting louder and bed is looking more comfortable.
I shall end here my fellow readers.

Mohamed Firdaus.
No hero in war.

I know there was other girls before me. I know that I wasn’t your first love. I know that I wasn’t the first to call you mine. I know that you’ve called other girls baby or babe before. I know that I wasn’t your first kiss. But all I want is to be the last girl you’d ever be with, the last one that you’d love, the last one to call you mine, the last one you’d ever call baby or babe, and the last one to ever kiss you.
- Reblogged from wescribblelove.tumblr.com♥ .
